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Computer Science & Business Studies

Computer Science & Business Studies are taught within the Communications Faculty where our vision is to develop an understanding of how language, business and computer science contribute to our students becoming well-educated and independent citizens in a rapidly changing and diverse world. We have 3 fully equipped computer suites with industry standard software including Windows 10, Office 2016, Adobe/Macromedia Suite and various programs for coding and computer programming. All students follow a Computer Science curriculum at KS3 that includes IT usage, programming and E-Safety. We offer all students the opportunity to study a GCSE in Computer Science and also GCSE Business Studies in Key Stage 4. Students often work independently but are provided with many opportunities to work with others to develop the skills of team work and communication.

The Communications team strive to provide engaging lessons and experiences where all students are given opportunities to develop their communication skills, creativity, thinking skills and the ability to reflect on and learn from their mistakes. We are always looking to create new opportunities for students and we seek to make all learning useful, relevant and creative in today's society where culture and communication are so important.

KS3 Computer Science

Year 7

Year 8

Year 9

Under the Hood- History of computing: components of a computer: input, process and output: data and binary: bits and bytes.

Binary - Develops further understanding of binary and binary addition in computing.

Introduction to Python - A powerful but easy to use object orientated programming language.

E-Safety - Passwords, social networking, cyber bullying and digital values.

Cracking the Code: Binary, Cypher and Encryption - Providing an understanding of ciphers, encryption and decryption.

Computer Crime & Cybersecurity - Covering some of the legal safeguards regarding computer use including overviews of the Computer Misuse Act, Data Protection Act, GDPR, Copyright Law and their implications for computer use.

Thinking like a Computer Scientist - Decomposition, algorithms, data and pattern recognition, Introduction to computational thinking.

Networks - Provides theory behind the basic principles and architecture of local and wide area networks.

Python Next Steps - Designed to take pupils up to a point where GCSE in computing can pick up from and provide ample experience of programming.

Games Programming in MakeCode Arcade - Introduction to games programming and development using block coding.

Representing Sound & Images - Exploring the way computers store and execute binary information to create sounds and images.

Searching Algorithms - The way in which computer systems utilise different algorithms to search for data.

Drawing & Manipulating Shapes - Relationships between computer science and patterns and how to write algorithms to create shapes.

Sorted - Introduces to students how computers cope with sorting data.

Applying Programming Skills with Physical Computing - Programming that involves interactive systems that can sense and respond to the world around us.

Spreadsheet modelling - Design, use and evaluate computational abstractions that model the state and behaviour of real-world problems and physical systems.

How to make a computer appear smart - Exploring what intelligence is and the ability of computers to think like humans/Artificial Intelligence

E-Safety Breck Bednar

OCR GCSE Computer Science (J277)

What will I learn?
This qualification is a mixture of theory (so students understand the enduring principles and abstract concepts of computer science) and computational thinking and practice (so students learn how to solve problems, write efficient code and build working systems). It provides
opportunities for students to understand the impacts of digital technology to the individual and to wider society and to develop as responsible practitioners.

There are 2 key components to the computer science course:

Component 1 – Computer Systems
Component 2 – Computational Thinking: Algorithms & Programming

How will I learn?
You will learn all topics though a mixture of practical and theoretical tasks. These tasks will be linked to real world scenarios which will give you the opportunity explore possible designs while learning the skills needed to find solutions.

How will I be assessed?
The OCR GCSE (9–1) in Computer Science consists of two externally-examined papers
Component 1 – Computer Systems: 50% of  the qualification
Written examination: 1 hour 30 minutes

Component 2 – Computational Thinking: Algorithms & Programming: 50% of the qualification
Written examination: 1 hour 30 minutes

What can I progress to?
The depth of coverage means that it provides a solid foundation for either the study of A level
Computing or employment, for example, software developer, website designer, programmer, network analyst. It is worth noting that a GCSE in Computer Science counts towards the English Baccalaureate qualification.

OCR GCSE in Business (J204)

What will I learn?
This business qualification introduces you to many of the key business concepts and issues concerning the activities of a business. It explores the purpose and role of a business from first spotting an enterprising opportunity through to the growth of an established business. It also takes a closer look at the role of marketing and human resources.

You will also study the role of operations and finance and be introduced to some of the key external influences on business such as government and the ethical and environmental considerations businesses need to make. You will explore the importance of these influences and how businesses change in response to them. Finally, you will learn to make connections between all the different elements of the subject.

How will I learn?
Throughout the course you will look at real-life case studies involving well-known businesses to help give a context to the business concepts you study. Through the use of UpToDate news stories, videos and other media your knowledge and understanding of the topics covered will be given meaning and relevance to everyday life.

How will I be assessed?
GCSE Business Studies comprises of 100% written examination.
The assessment is structured as follows:

  • Business 1: Business Activity, Marketing, and People 50%. 1 Hour 30 Minutes Paper
  • Business 2: Operations, Finance and Influences on Business 50%. 1 Hour 30 Minutes Paper

What can I progress to?
Progression to further study from GCSE will depend upon the number and nature of the grades achieved. Broadly, candidates who are awarded mainly Grades 4 to 1 at GCSE could either strengthen their base through further study of qualifications at Level 1 within the National Qualifications Framework or could proceed to Level 2. Candidates who are awarded mainly Grades 5 to 9 at GCSE would be well prepared for study at Level 3 within the National Qualifications Framework. In the business sector, learners would be aiming to move into entry- level roles, such as assistants in business administration, marketing, finance, human resources, sales and customer service.

Further Information

Mr J Thomas

Mrs Z Jarvis