Our SENDCo is Mrs Erwin who can be contacted via the school office or by emailing
The SEND Information Report can be viewed below. Our Accessibility Plan can be viewed under our Federation Policies Page
The Bridge at Aylestone (ASD Base)
The Bridge is a local authority resource base for students in Key Stage Three and Four who have an Education Health & Care Plan (EHCP) and a clinical diagnosis of Autistic Spectrum Disorder (ASD) and are able to access the mainstream secondary curriculum. Students in The Bridge are full members of the school community and will be supported to attend mainstream lessons with the rest of their year group. The Bridge provides additional support and expertise from a specialist teacher and higher-level teaching assistants (HTLAs). There is a dedicated area within the school that offers a calm setting and a sensory room where students can re-regulate if needed and an area for students to access learning with support if required. Placements in The Bridge are agreed by the SEN Team of Herefordshire Council through the EHCP consultation process which has parents/carers and school at the centre. The resulting EHCP will identify specific provisions and measurable outcomes. Placements within The Bridge will be named in the EHCP as ‘The Bridge at Aylestone.’